Words about change and letting goChange Is A Growth Opportunity Seize It L Mensah

You're alive and kicking even though adversity has been continually at your door. What a terrific opportunity to begin again.

Since you cannot change the past it's a chance to change the future. Break out and look forward with hope, renewed optimism and great expectations.

Change is your greatest opportunity, it may not be easy but it can enable you to start over.

Also, changes can be challenging because you may need to overcome fear, negativity, self-blame or inertia in order to move ahead and find success.

You may need to do some unshackling in a few areas of your life; this may mean emancipating yourself of some attachments, some fears and failures of the past.

It is easier to manage change one step at a time, bit by bit. So disregard the annual goal plan previously sketched out and cast away any thoughts of immediate transformations.

The key, however, is to choose to adjust each day to reinvent and reinvigorate yourself. Keep in mind that what matters is today because tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Each day you should settle on what it is you want to focus on for that day. Life changes continually so be flexible with your focus.

The objective is to focus on what would give you the most contentment and what matters most to you and to your life.Your daily choice may be something that can be accomplished easily or it may take more time.

Be committed, be diligent and attentive to the changes you plan to make happen. And, whatever the choice, ultimately it's your achievement of the change that really matters.

With each brand new day, you can make this year a time of radical change and revitalization. Make starting over each day your greatest opportunity your possibilities are unlimited.