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Stress comes in many forms and affects people of all ages and all walks of life. Stress is inescapable since each person feels stressed or anxious at times in the journey of life.

The degree of stress that's experienced is highly dependent upon individual factors such as your perception of the stress, physical health, the quality of your interpersonal relationships and the number of commitments in everyday living.

Ultimately people react to stress in different ways and certain life transitions may cause much stress

Too much stress, however, causes strain and tension which can result in abnormal stress responses that eventually becomes harmful to your physical and mental health. Overwhelming stress more often than not affects virtually any of your organ systems.

In particular, many illnesses such as high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, being more prone to colds and other infections. Moreover, addictive disorders and chronic anxiety states are linked to stress.

Stress also seems to increase the occurrence and severity of migraine headaches and make you more vulnerable to developing colds and other infections. You could experience trouble sleeping, suffer from weight gain or weight loss, or show signs of chronic fatigue.

You'll need to break the stress cycle, to help you achieve greater balance and improve your quality of life. Prolonged uncontrollable stress can have far-reaching consequences on psychological health with a resultant serious psychiatric illness.

Managing Stress: There are plenty of helpful stress management remedies available for either self or professional assistance. Understanding the nature of your stress is vital to the therapeutic care options available.

A meaningful stress management plan is essential to manage and control undue stress. Likewise in some cases, Interventions for serious psychological illness will call for a professional team approach to care.