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Cardiovascular disease span a wide range of health issues of the heart and the blood vessels. These may include heart rhythm problems like irregularities, peripheral vascular, rheumatic coronary artery, and atherosclerosis disease.

All such conditions negatively influence your hearts health. Good heart health needs your undivided attention so be attune to warning signs. Focus on enhancing your heart and keep it beating

Underlying Forces: Risk factors related to cardiovascular disease are high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol and diabetes. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and the risk increases as blood pressure rise.

Also, if you're overweight you'll be more likely to have cardiac issues. Abnormal cholesterol like a high LDL (bad) cholesterol level is linked to cardiovascular disease. So too are lack of physical activity and obesity.

Another major cause of cardiovascular disease is the changing aspects of your heart's arteries that arise from atherosclerosis. This is a condition of hardening of the arteries of the vessels that supply your heart with blood and resulting in coronary artery disease.

Typically coronary artery disease stems from a build-up of fibrous plaque and narrowing of the artery with the threat of blood clots and thrombosis. Such dynamics are predisposed to blocked arteries and a range of serious health consequences and even death.

Heart Attacks: With coronary artery disease, there's a high chance of a heart attack occurring. Knowing the symptoms of a heart attack is of the essence. These include shortness of breath, chest pain and discomfort especially in your arm, back, shoulder, neck, jaw and upper part of your stomach.

Symptoms like these require emergency treatment

Related Ailments: Common symptoms of heart disease include ailments such as fatigue, dizziness, fainting, sensations of fluttering or pounding in the chest. Additionally, other frequent physical problems are swelling around the ankles, frequent waking during sleep and chest pain.

Although early on in cardiovascular disease many individuals may not exhibit any physical symptoms of the disease

Tend Your Heart: You need to connect with and do right by your heart's health. Simply put negative lifestyle issues are major contributors to the risk for heart disease. A stronger heart can result from positive changes in lifestyle.

Even though you cannot change some factors such as age, gender or family history that are associated with heart disease, some healthy lifestyle choices make for better heart health.

Start with managing your weight and cholesterol level. If youre diabetic, try to properly manage your diabetes or glucose levels. Eating a heart-healthy diet is also essential.

As well keeping your blood pressure in check and engaging in moderate exercise are healthy approaches to deal with cardiovascular issues.

In addition, regular health check-up and screening tests all contribute to staying heart healthy.

Mental Implications: Cardiovascular disease also harbours an emotional component. Your mental ability can be affected by anxiety, depression or stress. Youll need to effectively deal with such emotional upheavals.

it is sometimes best to seek help to assist you to manage such psychological problems.

Axe cardiovascular disease and elevate your heart's health.