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High cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease. High cholesterol can lead to a buildup of plaque in the artery walls and this narrows the arteries.

As a result a condition called atherosclerosis develops and can hinder blood from flowing unimpeded through the heart and body; consequently increasing your risk of heart disease

Your body uses cholesterol to make cell membranes. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found naturally in the body and it is important to keep the bad cholesterol LDL low and your good cholesterol HDL high.

The majority of cholesterol is made in the liver however if you have more cholesterol in your blood than your body requires the result is a buildup of plaque in the arteries.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) takes cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver to be eliminated. A high level of HDL is considered heart healthy. On the other hand, Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) takes cholesterol away from the liver to the body tissue.

A high level of LDL cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease.

The target for your healthy cholesterol levels will depend on certain cardiovascular risk factors; this includes age, family history, stress, being overweight, blood pressure and whether or not you smoke or have diabetes.

Your diet may also contribute to raised cholesterol levels, especially a diet that is high in saturated and trans- fat. A good heart smart diet has an impact on lowering your risk of heart disease.

For example, Omega-3s reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by breaking down the bad cholesterol in the bloodstream. Evidently, your best interests are served when you reduce your intake of saturated and Trans -fat which raises LDL levels