Guy in T shirt with heart image and script I love my heartHealthy Choices Enhance Heart Health Blue

Love your heart and be heart healthy. Managing your heart"s health is smart thinking.

You can minimize your risks for heart disease by the choices you make, particularly about physical activity, food and other personal habits.

The term 'heart disease' covers a number of health conditions, including valve and rhythm problems, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease. Heart disease affects both men and women and is essentially a lifestyle disease that's largely preventable.

Begin living a heart-healthy lifestyle, when you make heart-healthy choices you'll lower your risk for heart disease and stroke.

1.The positive impacts of physical activity on your heart's health can never be overstated. Sedentary living is a contributor to heart disease, you'll need to engage in regular moderate levels of exercise

It's wise to get active with an exercise routine such as bicycling or daily walking. Even just a 30 minutes schedule of physical activity is beneficial.

2. Other healthy choices are to control your stress levels and if you do smoke quitting is best. Both smoking and prolonged stress are harmful to your heart's health.

So pay more attention to your stress levels and kick the smoking habit. Look after your sleeping habits as well, it's just as important as exercise and reversing unhealthy addictions.

3. Getting inadequate sleep and rest is not an option. So do not place securing good quality sleep at the bottom of your health to do list.

4. Take action and abstain from excessive drinking behaviours. Cut back, drink with moderation or give it up altogether you'll decrease your heart disease risk.

5. Take the initiative and kick start a healthier you with heart-smart eating. Adopt a diet high in Omega-3 fish oils and low in trans-fats, this will reduce high bad (LDL) blood cholesterol.

Add plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as foods high in soluble fibre. Healthy eating also contributes to weight reduction and will help you keep excess weight or obesity at bay. Ultimately, maintaining a healthy weight can lower your risk for coronary artery disease.

6. Banish salt because eating less salt will reduce your risk for high blood pressure which contributes to heart disease and stroke.

7. In addition, learn to manage your blood pressure and if you already have an elevated blood pressure seek out the appropriate treatments to keep it under control.

Enhance your heart's health, your vitality and well-being, lower your risks for heart disease and stroke today. In the long run, your heart will thank you for it.