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High blood cholesterol clogs arteries and increases your risk for a stroke and it can also lead to heart disease. Here are a few self-care behaviours that can help you stay in harmony with healthy cholesterol levels.  A heart-healthy diet and a planned exercise regimen is a boon to living healthy.

Strive for a healthy weight: It is important to commit to  maintaining a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can contribute to elevated cholesterol levels as well as other serious health conditions. Weight loss is a very important component for healthful living, so if youre overweight make weight loss  a top priority.

Healthy lifestyle choices. Eat a diet that is low in saturated fat and eat healthfully to achieve your good health. Keep in mind that high sodium intake has been associated with high blood pressure and all its complications its important to keep your daily salt consumption down. Choose to add fruits,vegetables and fiber to dietary choices

A good thing for your health is to limit alcohol, so if you do drink choose only moderation. Smoking is also hard on your body when it comes to the healthful living its wise to choose smoking cessation.

Be physically active: Exercising regularly can  help manage  risk factors for heart disease, including being overweight, diabetes and high blood pressure. It's a good thing to create a fitness plan thats right for you. . An exercise such as swimming can help strengthen your heart muscle and allow it to work more efficiently. Walking, jogging, biking and swimming can reduce your blood pressure,help control cholesterol levels and enhance your heart health

Manage Stress:  Stress is a menace, what's more, long-term stress can damage the body, especially the heart. .Constant stress can elevate cardiovascular disease risk; it contributes to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other cardiac risk factors. High on your healthy living list should be a plan to work on stress reduction. Stress reduction is the cornerstone of a heart-healthy life. When youre stressed, hormones increase your heart rate and constrict blood vessels.

So try to steer clear of stress if youre looking to live a healthy lifestyle, control hypertension and enhance your heart health. How you respond to stress is extremely important. Remember that positive moods reduce stress-related hormones therefore strive to keep chronic anger and depressions at bay. Exercise and meditation can be very beneficial.

Changes matter: Making these lifestyle changes can be challenging, it takes self-discipline, dedication and determination, but these self care activities of healthy living can enhance your overall health



