A sign with the word cholesterolLower Your Risks For Elevated Cholesterol L Blue

it is important to manage your cholesterol levels to help you live a longer,healthier life. Thre is a cause for concern when cholesteral levels are beyond normal ranges.

Understanding Cholesterol:

Cholesterol is essential to your body, it is needed for cell membranes and by some hormones.Cholesterol must be carried by protein-based transporter.

There are normally two types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol to and from cells. These are HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and LDL (low-density lipoprotein).

  • LDL Lipoproteins: The LDL lipoproteins are commonly characterized as bad because it promotes the build-up of plaque in your artery walls causing the blockages of atherosclerosis.
  • Overall, a higher level of LDL in the blood increases your risk of developing heart disease. Whilst HDL lipoprotein is considered good because it reduces the build-up of cholesterol in arteries.
  • HDL Lipoproteins: HDL is an essentially a cholesterol scavenger that removes excess free cholesterol in your blood to your liver for recycling and excretion. HDL is the smallest of the 3 lipoproteins.
  • Maintaining a healthy amount of HDL in the blood is associated with a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. It's essential to keep your cholesterol level within healthy limits especially if you have other risk factors for developing heart disease.

Risks Concerns:

  • If you're truly concerned about a family history of heart disease or about preventing or treating an unhealthy cholesterol level, you should visit your doctor.
  • It is important to get your cholesterol level checked.
  • Your doctor can assess your risks for heart attack or stroke based on your cholesterol level and other familial or lifestyle risk factors.
  • A cholesterol test called a lipid profile is used to determine your cholesterol level.

The first steps in lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke usually centre on lifestyle adjustments of dietary changes, weight control, regular physical activity and stress management. Usually, lifestyle adjustments are recommended but medications may also help increase HDL levels and lower your LDL levels.

While for some people, dietary and lifestyle changes may be enough to lower cholesterol levels, for many others medication may also be needed. Prescribed medication significantly helps to control elevated cholesterol levels.

Medication Options:

  • If medication is your best preventive strategy, your doctor will prescribe medications to lower and manage cholesterol levels.
  • There are various medications that can help to lower blood cholesterol level, however, Statins are usually most recommended.
  • Statins are a cholesterol-lowering class of drugs that has been directly associated with reduced risk for heart attack and stroke.
  • If you do not have an adequate response to Statin therapy alone or you have serious side effects other medications might be considered.

Self- Care-initiatives:

You can do much to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Unmanaged cholesterol is a major contributor to heart disease.

  • Be conscientious in attending for regular check-ups or monitoring tests.
  • Become informed about any medication side effects and astutely follow your prescribed treatment or prevention plan
  • It is important to be attentive and always take your medication as prescribed. 
  • Remember that taking medications do not replace the need to continue with other heart-healthy habits..

Simply remember that the higher the level of HDL cholesterol in your blood, the lower your chance is of getting heart disease. However, the higher the level of LDL in your blood, the greater your chanceof getting heart disease.

If there is a concern regarding  your heart's health, generally a consult with a Cardiologist may be recommended.