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Everyone's blood sugar goes up when they are under stress.

Similarly, an illness or injury whether emotional or physical will initiate a  stress response that releases increased blood sugar levels.

Impact of stress: When you are diabetic and subjected to stress whether acute or prolonged youll have problems with self-regulation of your blood sugar levels.

Stress blocks your body from releasing insulin in type 2 diabetes allowing glucose to pile up in your blood. Simply put, you do not have the proper required mechanisms to quickly bring your blood sugar levels back to normal in the aftermath of a stressful event.

In such circumstances, if you have type 2 diabetes, your body has a harder time getting your blood sugar levels to go back down to normal.

Stress and self-care: Everyday stress may well undermine your ability to confidently cope with the disease. Also, diabetes itself is a stressful condition and everyday diabetic-related issues along with adjusting to daily treatments can be stressful.

When you're uptight with stress or sidetracked, your proper diabetic self-care can suffer. You may become more prone to forgetting your medications or to neglect your glucose checks.

However, it's most important to maintain all of your requisite testing and scheduled checks of your blood sugar levels to avoid fuelling many unwanted health issues. Its essential to take care of yourself and your diabetes with continued careful and effective diabetic self-care behaviours.

Stressful times: During distressing and stressful times you may not adhere to eating as prescribed or exercising as you should. You need to be alert that such lapses during stressful periods can ultimately complicate your diabetic condition.

It is a good thing to clearly consider all aspects of living with diabetes that is most stressful for you. Its essential for your good health when living with diabetes to make every effort to minimize the impact of everyday stress on your life

Coping: It can be helpful for you to learn new and different ways of coping with stress or to find tools to help you change certain behaviours. Consider your personality and coping style, make every effort and all adjustments to help you successfully tackle whatever triggers your stress levels.

Counselling or psychotherapy can be a useful therapeutic intervention. Also, a support group can help to alleviate the burden of diabetes-related stresses, as you can learn from other people's suggestions how they've coped with similar problems.

You should deal briskly with any diabetes-related stress concerns. In particular, your goal should be to handle stress in constructive ways without making your blood sugar levels veer out of control.