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For many people living with chronic pain is a major health issue.

In simple terms, chronic pain is undoubtedly a powerful mood changer that affects the quality of life issues. Some sufferers of chronic pain view the condition as immensely life-changing.

Chronic pain persists over a longer period of time than acute pain and is resistant to most medical treatment. No test can accurately measure the intensity of pain and no instrument can locate pain precisely 

When you are in great pain, finding true comfort is not easy and it interferes with you living life comfortably.

 Tips to understand and cope with chronic pain.

  1. Chronic pain can cause you to feel isolated, angry, frustrated, fearful or helpless It can produce feelings of depression and anxiety
  2.  Chronic pain can make you feel helpless, demoralized, dependent and may damage your self-esteem
  3. Lifestyle factors such as out-of-control stress can cause the chronic pain experience to be more intensely felt.
  4.  Some environmental factors can make the pain worse
  5. Just doing everyday activities can intensify chronic pain and affect your performance in carrying out normal daily living activities
  6. Living with long-term pain can cause sleep deprivation since its hard to sleep when you are in or worried about pain.
  7. Poor sleep quality diminishes your concentration, lowers your motivation and saps your energy
  8. It's essential to pay special attention to how you use your body, your posture and body mechanics.
  9. There are many ways to treat chronic pain, often treatment varies depending on the discerned cause of the pain
  10. An effective treatment plan to help you cope with your pain requires addressing both physical and psychological aspects as well.
  11. Its wise to put in place a broad pain-management plan that minimizes your physical pain and psychological woes

Chronic pain is usually due to an ongoing cause such as arthritis or other disease processes. Oftentimes, the cause of chronic pain is unknown. But regardless, chronic pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience.

Typically, chronic pain cannot be cured. The goal of pain management is to improve function, help you feel more energized and manage or reduce pain's impact.