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A wide spectrum of chronic diseases is related to poor lifestyle choices.

Poor lifestyle choices tend to induce chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and even several types of cancer such as prostate, breast and colon

What constitutes a healthy lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle is about practices that are consistent with supporting, improving, maintaining and /or enhancing health. It entails the total 'You', physical, the mental and spiritual capacity to live in healthy ways.

A healthy lifestyle is a valuable resource for reducing the incidence and impact of health problems.  Also, it's essential to aid in recovery and for helping to cope with life stressors.

However, to improve your quality of life you'll need to apply everyday healthy lifestyle revisions, appropriate healthful interventions and choices. Doing so is critical if you're to be strong and have the stamina to ably cope with the demands of daily life.

1. Healthful behaviours:  Put simply, healthy living is the practice of health-enhancing behaviours.This includes adopting stress management techniques, regular exercise regimens and nutritious eating. Healthful behaviours will reduce the risk factors that lead to disability or chronic disease development.

Getting regular exercise and adequate sleep, and balancing the demands of work and home with relaxation help to provide a balanced functional lifestyle. Adopting healthy habits also helps to prevent or manage many preventable chronic medical conditions.

2. Mental Wellness: Your body's stress response can interfere with a healthy lifestyle because intense or prolonged mental adverse challenges can take a heavy toll on your body. It's prudent to manage your stress before it gets out of hand.

Some simple healthful stress management outlets are to adopt a regimen of daily or weekly relaxation techniques. For example, insisting on 'Me' time away from the hectic daily grind. Or, to take time out to regularly spend pleasantry times with friends or family.

3. Smart Eating: Eat a variety of healthy foods. Eat a nutritious diet that provides all the essential fatty acids of both omega 6 and omega 3; nuts and fish. These food choices will help you lose body weight, improve blood cholesterol, as well as diminish sugar and inflammation levels.

4.  Practicing Gratitude: Bask in every moment of life, life is fleeting so make the best of it. No one really knows the future all you have is this moment, express your sentiments to your loved ones and good friends and enjoy the moments.

Do not wait for when you get a job, have more time, or earn more money. Simply delight in every day that you're given breath, take pride and pleasure in it because you never know what's around the corner.

And with gratitude, live your life in a way that brings you joy and happiness

Every new day is a chance to do something for 'You' and your wellbeing.