Woman experiencing neuropathy symptoms holding her hands to lessen the tingling sensationBest Tips For Living Easier With Peripheral Neuropathy L Blue

Tingling hands or feet, or both is an extremely bothersome symptom.  This condition can be severe, episodic, or chronic.

Such tingling can sometimes be benign or bear the hallmark of more menacing and worrying conditions. You need to deal ably  with the underlying causes of peripheral neuropathy

Neuropathy: Neuropathy is a disorder that prevents nerves from functioning properly. Any delays to unmask the underlying cause of such symptoms can lead to lifelong deleterious health consequences. Whenever there is persistent tingling in your hands, feet, or both it is of the essence to seek help early to obtain a medical evaluation

Tingling may be a sign of nerve damage, known as peripheral neuropathy and is common in systemic diseases such as diabetes. On average diabetes is one of the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy and many people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of nerve damage.
Damage to your peripheral nerves often causes varying degrees of weakness, numbness and pain. The pain receptors in the skin can become over-sensitized usually in your hands and feet.
Varied Causes Nerve Damage:
  1. Common causes of peripheral neuropathy can be due to repetitive stress injuries,
  2. Nerve entrapment syndromes. such as carpal tunnel syndrome or ulnar nerve palsy.
  3. Injury causing crushed or damaged, nerve compressions such as a herniated disc or dislocated bone.
  4. Additionally, systemic diseases like chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalances,
  5. Cancers and benign tumours that impinge on nerves.
  6. Also liver disease, vascular damage, blood diseases and kidney disorders.
  7. Autoimmune diseases including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. '
  8. Harmful bacterial or viral infections such infections may include shingles, herpes simplex and HIV/AIDS.
  9. Vitamin deficiencies or an overdose can have a damaging effect on nerves.
  10. In the same way, toxic exposures, toxins from industrial and environmental chemicals,
  11. Likewise, certain medications especially chemotherapy drugs, some antiviral and antibiotic drugs do impact nerve endings.
  12. It is possible that alcoholism can cause nerve damage.
Depending on the type and severity of the neuropathy it can affect different areas of your body. Over time, peripheral neuropathy can worsen, resulting in decreased mobility and even disability.
Here are the best tips for living easier with this hurtful and distressing nerve damage condition of peripheral neuropathy

Management Approaches:  

  • Successful treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause of the tingling.
  • Multiple options may be presented as part of a therapeutic plan of care but often a key one is a lifestyle change.
  • Depending on the state of damage of the peripheral nerve cells they may have the ability to regenerate.
  • Prescribed lifestyle adjustments may include working to maintain good blood sugar control; in diabetics, this can slow the progression of diabetic neuropathy.
  • Sustaining an optimal weight, eating a balanced diet and reducing or abstaining from alcohol consumption.
  • Vitamin supplementation may be ordered to correct vitamin deficiencies, the essential vitamins for healthy nerve functioning are vitamins E, B1, B6, B12.
  • Reducing your risks when it comes to toxins by avoiding exposure to toxins is important.
  • Additionally, it's a good thing to engage in fitness activities like regular exercise and to eliminate any smoking addiction.

The best way to prevent peripheral neuropathy that transmits pain and temperature sensations is to minimize your risks. And to carefully manage medical conditions that put you at risks, such as diabetes, alcoholism or rheumatoid arthritis.