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Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck and secretes hormones that control several major functions.

The effects of thyroid problems can be distressing, degenerating and cause you to feel youre falling apart or on your last legs

Thyroid Problems: Thyroid problems are caused by thyroid hormone imbalances. Sometimes the thyroids ability to produce correct levels of hormones is compromised.

The result is that a dysfunctional thyroid gland can bring on negative health issues and create special dangers. And the development of a variety of physical and psychological ailments that impairs your wellbeing.

Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism: When there is a dysfunction of your thyroid too much or too little thyroid hormone is produced. Thyroid dysfunction either (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism) is usually diagnosed by your symptoms As well as a physical exam and blood tests to see how much thyroid hormone your body is turning out.

Hyperthyroidism Causes: Hyperthyroidism stemming from an overproduction of thyroid hormone can emerge because of Graves' disease. Then there's  thyroiditis which is an inflammation of the thyroid or sometimes there are nodules that develop in the thyroid gland.

These may begin to secrete thyroid hormones, upsetting the body's chemical balance. What's more, excess production may be due to pituitary gland glitches or cancerous growths in the thyroid gland. 

Hypothyroidism Causes: Hypothyroidism stems from an underproduction of thyroid hormones. Such dysfunction may be due to an autoimmune disorder causing your body to attack the thyroid tissues.

Ultimately the thyroid stops producing adequate hormones. In some instances of under activity the thyroid may have been surgically removed or chemically destroyed. While in other situations there could be an exposure to excessive amounts of iodide that put you at greater risk for developing hypothyroidism.

Overactive Thyroid: Health problems associated with an overactive production are varied and cover a wide range of conditions. Symptoms may include sweating, feeling hot, rapid heartbeat, weight loss and sometimes eye problems.

Also, excessive production of thyroid hormone may also bring about symptoms. Such symptoms include weight loss and hair loss, soft nails even an enlarged gland known as a goitre.

In addition, forgetfulness, feeling depressed, irritability or having slow thought processes may be evident

Under-active Thyroid: Symptoms of low thyroid hormone include feelings of low energy, fatigue and becoming easily exhausted. Particularly weight gain is a major effect along with elevated blood cholesterol. Mood regulation, depression and brain fog are all a part of low thyroid hormones.

Changes occur in body temperature tolerance, metabolism, heart rate and blood pressure. Typically, symptoms of hypothyroidism occur slowly over time and might be mistaken for changes related to normal ageing.

Health Outlook:  Its necessary to reverse either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. You'll want to to be vibrant again, to feel rejuvenated, enlivened and re-energized. Without treatment, hyperthyroidism can lead to serious heart problems, bone problems, and other serious ailments.

Moreover,  if hypothyroidism is not treated it can raise your cholesterol levels and increase your prospects of having a heart attack or stroke. 

Treatment Regimens: To treat hypothyroidism thyroid hormone pills are usually prescribed. Such pills will be taken each day on a lifelong basis.   follow-up visits are essential along with regular blood tests to make sure youre getting the right dose of medications.

Getting too much or too little thyroid hormone can cause problems. With treatment, you can manage your physical conditions, overall health and well-being.