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Happiness means different things to different people.

There are many reasons why a person will say they are truly happy

For some people it means, worldly success, prosperity, possessions, achievements or happiness-enhancing activities or excess wealth.

Here are 13 truths about happiness.

  1. A guarantee of personal happiness does not exist in any form because there is no such magic potion.
  2. Happiness is not a right by virtue of education, heritage or wealth but a reward you give to yourself.
  3. Happiness is found and cultivated internally, its contentment within.
  4. Happiness is appreciating what you have and always seeing the glass half full no matter what happens to you.
  5. Happiness is the gift only you can give to yourself; you cannot leave your desire for happiness in the hands of other people.
  6. No one is responsible for your happiness but you.
  7. You cannot predict if or when youll be happy but you can make yourself happy under any circumstances.
  8. Personal financial abundance or equating happiness with money will not bring you happiness either.
  9. Happiness is not a right or a privilege by virtue of wealth. Unhappiness is not just exclusive to those who are cash-poor, its also a regular companion of those with abundant wealth.
  10. Even though you may have a fortune or large quantities of capital and can buy the most expensive things that having wealth affords. Yet you could still be full of unhappiness,  you're not immune to or sheltered from unhappiness.
  11. Do not think youll be happy once you have lots of money. You can be filled with misery, gloom, hopelessness and be unhappy.
  12. Loads of money can often cause abundant stress as well as fear.
  13. Many financially affluent people unhappily fret incessantly about how to secure their wealth. Or they worry about fraud or being impacted by other high jinks or monkey business.

Lasting personal happiness has more to do with how you behave or think. It is about the things you control rather than the impact of some of the life's circumstances. 

It's learning to feel satisfaction and chasing your passion, It is also connecting with loving others who are family, and friends.

It's about relationships. And its appreciating what you have; its loving and being loved, its contentment. Happiness is a choice.

Its your attitude, your outlook on life, your expression of gratitude and your practice of being optimistic

Nothing leads to personal happiness other than learning how to cultivate happiness from within. Without a doubt, life will deliver all kinds of situations but regardless, being happy is in our own hands