womanlooking sad and worriedDump Funky Moods Adjust Your Thinking W Bennett

The doldrums or being in a funky mood is not good for one's mental health and wellness. More importantly, such moods are definitely not where you want to be

Unexpected Trials: Life throws curve balls and things happen in life that takes you by surprise. Things you were not expecting or that you were not prepared to deal with and which can push you headlong into that dark place of a funk.

Moreover, not only are you in a state of the doldrums about whatever happened. You may also feel like a failure for allowing yourself to be in such a state.

Funky Mood: When I refer to 'funk' here I am not speaking about a 'musical art-form' but rather a mental state of mind. The funk is characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy, despondent thinking, reduced dynamism, lack of motivation and low energy.

Also, a down in a funk mood can be experienced as being in a state of nervous depression. Unquestionably, being stuck in a funk is by and large unpleasant, unhealthy and can lead to adverse health issues.

Negative Thoughts: You can be in a funk for all sorts of reasons. The situations that will put you into a full-blown funk are generally not minor. Even so, the solution is to change how you internalise and deal with them is important to problem-solving.

Negative thoughts and emotions start and end with you. It's how you view or what you think about the situation that impacts your response.

Halt Pity-Parties: It's much easier to think negative thoughts even though they make you feel like crap. But, as long as you keep thinking those thoughts, you're going to continue to feel worse, until you are in a full-blown funky.

Do not indulge in your 'funk', instead try to cut out the pity party as swiftly as you can. Dump the doom and gloom attitude.

Make Changes: You have a choice to move out of that state of mind. Decide to do yourself a favour by releasing glumness and putting a lid on dreary depressive thinking.

Once you feel better about you the solutions to problems will be more evident. It's within your hands to step out and change the 'funk' that overwhelm your days.

Everyone is responsible for their own moods and mental state. Even though it may seem like other people and circumstances are to blame. Be Pro-active: You'll need to diminish the time spent thinking about whatever happened and shift to being proactive.

Take steps to move forward and to reboot. It is important to focus on the small steps you can take to shake off unhealthy feelings. Just remember that your only goal is to feel better and not to be perfect.

Emotional Self-Help: Look around, pay attention to what you feel and work to change it. A little laughter and smiles can often be good medicine. Being around people that make you laugh and in the company of those you like can be a plus factor.

Getting up, getting out and socializing with good friends is a splendid tonic. Consider the benefits of reaching out and having some fun it can be a mood change booster.

Self-love Required: A little more self-love is also needed, calm all of your fears and devote some time to love and energize the 'Self'.
When you take good care of the 'Self' your season of being in a funk will disappear.

You can alter the doldrums and positively impact a funky mood with some tender loving self-care.