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Each of us must face dissatisfaction, frustration or unpleasant situations from time to time. Oftentimes problems crop up at work, at home or in our social circles causing conflict, discord and controversy.

We complain and complain, rather than accept and deal with the realities or let downs

Why complain: Generally venting helps us to feel less alone and less guilty about our frustrations. However, we tend to over complainers, moan and groan about life's little trials, disappointments or conflicts.

For the most part, chronic complainers get stuck in victim mode, they tend to have relationships that are less satisfying or tend to have workplace issues.

Chronic complaining: It is important to realize, that problems are a part of everyday life and having the occasional complaint is fine. Typically chronic complainers see life as totally or consistently unfair.

They often see circumstances as ill-fated or as if beyond their control. Over time, the constant griping of complainers becomes a habit, an invisible, familiar and natural way of life.

Sadly, the more they complain the more they attract the very thing they complain about by creating a reality that's congruent with their thoughts. What's more, chronic complaining behaviour can have an adverse impact on relationships.

Complainers can be annoying, are sometimes depressing, can irritate the people around and spread negativity.

Health effects: People who complain continually or on a consistent basis are prone to have poor health. When you complain you're simply reinforcing negative thoughts. When you are irritated and annoyed by little things you become stressed.

Everything seems like a major concern or a big deal when you're stressed and ill health takes root. Simply put, you create an environment that's unhealthy. You ought to focus on what is really important instead of obsessing or fretting about the many small things that cause concern.

Stop complaining: Learn to accept with far less resistance, what life has to offer. Becoming aware is a necessary asset to deal with a complaining attitude. If you catch yourself complaining to someone, stop it; pause and recognize your thoughts.

You'll benefit from managing your thinking, except that you are the creator of your thoughts and can change or replace negative thoughts. Try to be aware of what youre saying, why youre saying it and be mindful of the person youre speaking with.

Taking responsibility is crucial because you're responsible for fixing a problem that's bothering you. Be very clear about what you do want, its always much easier to complain than to find a solution.

Complaining also keeps you from taking action it gives excuses to procrastinate. And it also keeps you from achieving goals.

Appreciation Rocks: In addition learn to show appreciation, realize what you have and appreciate it. At the same time acknowledge that you could have had nothing to do the very best you can with what you have and what's presented to you. 

Focus on the positives and remember that life is not a contest to see who can collect the most or be the best be grateful for what you have. Having a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the things in your life is an important part of being happy and contented.

Life is a challenge for everybody, some days it can feel like the whole world is against you. Nevertheless, you need to appreciate your life and do not allow yourself to focus on little problems and concerns for some situations are inconsequential in the grander scheme of life.

Consequently, refrain from stressing out and complaining you'll transform not only your thinking but also your relationships.