Young woman leaning on left hand looking all aloneLoneliness Is Detrimental To Your Good Health L Blue

For some people, loneliness is more than just a fleeting feeling it can be a continual state. But whether it's a fleeting feeling or a constant state of disconnection, you'll need to take this state of mind in hand.


Loneliness can be detrimental to your health , it can  elicit long-term negative impacts. Loneliness triggers both emotional and physical health consequences yet, many people do not admit that they suffer from loneliness.

Sometimes they do not want others to know that under their outward jovial appearance of social connectedness they are feeling very lonely.

Acknowledge Loneliness:

To openly acknowledge any kind of persistent loneliness can be traumatic. In a roundabout way you may interpret and associate loneliness with shame and embarrassment.

Moreover, the reality of being lonely may ignite feelings of failure in the social spheres of your  life. Perhaps unpleasant memories of loneliness in childhood may open up hurts that were hidden. 

In some instances, loneliness may bring to the surface past feelings of unhappiness or of struggling with failed friendships and relationships.

Emotional Links to Loneliness:

There are many emotions linked to loneliness such as sadness, resentment or anxiety.Other feelings that contribute to being lonely include fear of rejection, being overwhelmed by daily life and being unable to fit in.

Loneliness brings on a sense of emptiness and feelings of being disconnected or alone even in a crowd. Loneliness hurts and can lead to depression and a desire to isolate yourself.

People who have been lonely for a long time may have a tendency to withdraw and stay away from others. Loneliness plays a role in making your feel downbeat, disconnected, dejected and alone


Being alone by choice or living alone does not cause loneliness.To be alone by choice, and yet carry on with social connections is vital to living life well both healthfully and socially.

It's most important that you recognize that loneliness is a sign that something needs to change in your life. And that being lonely stems from what you feel deep within.

It is up to you to seek out professional assistance and make the requisite changes to deal with your state of being lonely. You are a key ingredient in any solution to tackle and manage your feelings of loneliness.