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Many people make promises to change this or that about themselves. However, the yearned for personal change often slips from their grasp and is never achieved

The lack of success may stem from a setback or unwillingness or sometimes from a lack of commitment and the failure to accept reality.

Change can be desired for the betterment of one's self. But, to succeed in your journey to a life-changing behaviour you have to be willing to do something about it.

And, real personal change requires a frank look at yourself. If you do not like what you see transform or modify it.

My friend who is an over the top shopaholic always berates herself for indulging in this manner of behaviour. In spite of promises to herself to stop shopping unnecessarily, somehow she continues.

She is not willing to make the change regarding this behaviour and unhappily persists in the same shopaholic way.

Actually, personal change is challenging. You have to be committed to the things that can bring about the change you desire. Also, personal change requires honesty for without this you cannot begin your transformation to a better you.

In life, wanting to, is one thing, but to do is another. It is requisite that you avoid hiding from tough truths about you, admit a what you see in the mirror and take action.

To deny a truthful analysis is counterproductive to personal change, you have to accept the truths of your evaluation. By accepting, you acknowledge who you truly are and what really is the situation. You can then fine-tune the hard realities in order to make the needed change.

Fear is the greatest obstacle to personal change. No doubt change can be hard, scary and uncomfortable and it can also bring about feelings of insecurity. However, you'll need to get past such barriers to create progress in your life.

You must face your fears directly, so make every effort to face them head on with strength and confidence

Taking on the task personal change is a most important and weighty decision to engage in the process. For that reason, youll need to stay on course, just 'Do Not Give Up'.

Remember that the engine of personal change is a commitment to a determined course of action.