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A self-criticism is an act of being judgmental of your own actions or behaviours.

More often than not, self-criticism has the propensity to be negative and damaging to self. When you disapprove of yourself, you use words of reproach, loathing and condemnation or internal negative self-talk. Self-criticism can become your worst enemy

The words you say about self-affect your physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. Words can subject you to a diminished sense of self-worth, low self-esteem and not accepting self.

In actuality, you words influence what you can become and what you inculcate into your being. Your personal appraisals should not be done to the point of destroying who you are; as such utterances are unhealthy and will not benefit you in the long run.

The question is how do you go from where you are now steeped in self-criticism to where you want to be positive and self-confident? Start by putting a full stop to berating yourself and refrain from being your own worst critic.

A total reassessment of who you are is warranted and you'll need to do some inner work.

Shed the guilt and set out to challenge negative thoughts with hard facts. Bring to the forefront your merits whenever your self-criticism threatens to overwhelm you, decide to replace criticism with some of your positive attributes and virtues.

Let go of long-held unattainable standards, be aware of your achievements and give yourself some credit.

In future watch what words you say to and about yourself, be very careful because any de-merits will influence your path to recovery. Words have power and you need to use your voice to speak words that build you up not tear you down. Depending on your new self-critique you can either feel a constructive sense of self-worth.

Or your words can again immerse you in regretful, ruinous and harmful views of yourself. Self-criticism can hurt and harm so change your critical words and see the difference.