Post it with words don't forgetYour Brain And Forgetfulness L Mensah

Memory lapses of forgetting can cause alarm.

Are you questioning the health of your brain?

Have you gone into a room and not remembered your reason for going there?

Have you found that you do not retrieve information on the tip of the tongue.? 

Are you expressing consternation because you cannot remember where you parked the car? 

Or forgetting where you left often used things such as glasses or keys?

Forgetfulness is in a range of cognitive complaints about memory loss. 

The perception of brain health refers to how well your brain functions how well you think, learn and remember.

Forgetfulness and Memory Lapses:

Memory slips are infuriating, irritating, frustrating, and worrisome. Brief periods of forgetting are a normal part of the aging process, and growing older is not the only villain for memory lapses.

Momentary memory failure occurs in younger age groups and can also be a natural side effect of agents that have a considerable impact on the health of your brain.

As you grow older, you experience physiological changes that can cause delays in brain functions. You may take longer to learn and recall information, and you may misinterpret the slowing of your mental processes as genuine memory loss.

Besides age-related changes, your health habits and daily activities can affect your brain health. 

  • Habits and Daily Activities Impact Brain Health:
  •  Side effects of some drugs cause cognitive problems. 
  • Depression teams up with the symptom of forgetfulness, making it hard for you to concentrate, stay organized or remember things 
  • Vitamin B12 low levels negatively affect cognitive functions.
  • Thyroid deficiency problems of underactive performance trigger forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating.
  • Chronic alcoholism impairs brain health and brings on memory loss
  • Stress, anxiety, and lack of adequate sleep raise the incidence of forgetting..
  • Sensory overload can cause forgetfulness to occur when multi-tasking takes place continually. The brain can do only one thing at a time.

Helpful Treatment Options. 

Adopt lifestyle habits that improve your overall health 

Forgetfulness symptoms may be reversible with treatment. The underlying lifestyle problems can be improved or managed to enhance your brain health. 

Treatment is specific to related conditions.

  • A change in medication may resolve medications issues. Check with your health care provider if you take prescriptions drugs for pre-existing health conditions.
  •  When depression is the cause getting treatment for depression may be helpful to improve memory. 
  • A Vitamin B12 nutritional supplement can be beneficial against memory loss due to low vitamin levels. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, good nutrition aids brain health.
  • Take care of your mental health. A stress reduction stress or management program alleviates its negative impacts. 
  • Not getting enough sleep due to conditions like insomnia or sleep apnea may result in problems with memory and thinking. Getting more sleep and sleeping well is essential if sleep deprivation exists. 
  • Seek out a blood test to determine if your thyroid is functioning. Halt problems of an underactive thyroid by taking daily hormone replacement tablets to keep your condition under control.
  • A chronic drinker can benefit from some form of behavioral and medication treatment. Limit the use of alcohol. Schedule A program plan to oversee and stop drinking too much alcohol can help to restore short-term memory issues. 
  • Get organized. Multi-tasking bombards you with more information than ever before. Information overload makes heavy demands on the brain. It is a constant battle to keep everything organized in a cluttered mind. You will need to minimize distractions, filter out your clutter, and de-stress to improve your memory.

Long-term memory loss can be a symptom of a more severe problem such as dementia. Discuss with your physician about mental changes you are concerned about