Doctor holding a sign that reads cardiovascular disease7 Ways Cardiovascular Disease Damages Wellbeing W Bennett

Cardiovascular disease includes all conditions that affect the heart and the blood vessels.

Cardiovascular disease symptoms span a wide range of adverse complaints both physical and menta.

7 key Cardiovascular disease risks and linkages:

  1. Atherosclerosis is a hardening of the arteries of the vessels that supply the heart with blood. This kind of an anomaly is the most common cause of heart attacks.
  2. Many risk factors are associated with cardiovascular disease besides atherosclerosis. Specifically diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension.
  3. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and the risk increases as blood pressure rises.
  4. Cholesterol levels HDL (good) and high  LDL (bad) adverse variations are linked to cardiovascular disease.
  5. Obesity or being overweight and diabetes are all linked to cardiovascular disease
  6. Mental health complaints of memory problems, light-headedness, confusion, or even  depression can occur.
  7. Respiratory defiency that brings on difficulty breathing during exertion or even when lying down is another complaint of this condition.

Additionally, symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, fainting, sensations of fluttering or pounding in the chest are typical of the condition. Also, swelling around the ankles, frequent waking during sleep and chest pain are frequent physical problems. 

Even though many individuals with early-stage heart disease may not have any overt physical symptoms there may be a plethora of ongoing physical complaints. Moreover, cardiovascular disease is a major cause of death in Western societies.

Your heart health depends on how well you take care of it.  A stronger heart is the result of healthy lifestyle choices, consequently you should make every effort to do right by your heart's health.

  • Eat a heart healthy diet,
  • Keep your blood pressure in check,
  • Properly manage a diabetic condition and cholesterol levels
  • Engage in regular moderate exercise to stay fit.
  • Regular health checks-up and screening tests are all important to staying heart healthy.