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Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself and your reality. And, if you keep searching for the meaning of life you will fail to live life

Below are 10 foremost competencies to put into practice that can help you live your best life

1. Confront Lifes Challenges fearlessly take hold of life to unearth your true self. Never diminish your oomph, vitality or gusto, neither let an opportunity pass by. Know that opportunities come and go and youll need to be prepared to grasp them. Make sure you jump on board, however, do not settle too quickly.

2. Hang In There with the courage to achieve your goals, despite setbacks, criticisms and any discouragement. Harness all courage to act and remember that even in the worst of times there is always a silver lining.Possess the courage to step out daringly into the new.

3. Don't Just Settle for where you are at this moment that's not life, learn to let go and move on.Doing this is necessary from time to time, when you look back these will likely be the best decisions you ever made So, don't get too attached to things and avoid getting trapped in or welded to your current state.

4. Don't Get Stuck it is best to keep moving because the risk is important and with no risk, there is no gain.Your life improves only when you take chances and nothing holds you back more than your insecurities.The first and most difficult risk you can take is the first step and only you can change your life.

5.  Live The Dreams of your life before you leave this earth. Refrain from letting your dreams die inside of and with you strive to make your dreams a reality.  Elect to be driven by and focus on your dreams instead of your regrets. And never be depressed by what's failed.

Keep dreaming because if you have no more dreams you'll simply rob your life of its extraordinary meaning.

6. Appreciate that being kind is more important than being right. Always keep your words pleasant because in future you might have to eat them.  Bear in mind that everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile. And sometimes all another person need is a caring hand to hold temporarily or a heart that genuinely understands.

7. Recognize Change will come your way as its inevitable and there will be trials, mess-ups, challenges and surprises. Life throws all this at you along its ebb and flow and no one is perfect or immune from such strikes.

Simply choose to persevere and learn lessons from your tests or up and downs.Then move forward, make a fresh start and know that you can do it. Every new day is a chance to change your life.

8. Do Not Hold unto harmful habits or unforgivingness or anger. Forgive others and give up any resentments. Because, when you harbour bitterness or plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you. Love and forgiveness, not time are what heals all wounds.

9. Discover Your Purpose. You can discover who you are and live up to your own best self. Realise that you're a sojourner in this life and it is also in your hands to make your physical existence much more meaningful. Let go of ideas that limit you, seek wisdom and find your purpose, explore and pursue your passions as these will often show the way to your purpose.

10. Celebrate You and be confident in the self and be yourself. Be proud of who you are.Learn to be flexible and make the lifestyle changes your future self will thank you for doing.

Life is too short to keep worrying do not stay in the past and think of what might have been or worry about what the future will bring, Understand that you have the power to make yourself happy or unhappy. Enjoy life.