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Reduce the annoyance and distressing symptoms stemming from irritable bowel syndrome  A variety of factors play a role in irritable bowel syndrome known as (IBS).

Disagreeable Symptoms: Abnormalities in the gastrointestinal nervous system cause greater than normal bowel discomfort from abdominal gas, bloating, cramps and abdominal pain. Other symptoms generally described as IBS includes mucus in the stool, alternating diarrhoea or bouts of constipation.

The unpleasant and disruptive symptoms of IBS does not appear to cause long-term gastrointestinal damage or contribute to conditions such as colitis or cancer

IBS Impacts:  IBS. is a disorder that tends to affect mostly women but also occurs in men.The cause is unknown, however, it is thought that emotional distress and environmental factors can trigger its onset. In addition, other culprits are an infection and dietary.

Bowel Changes: When you have IBS the changing bowel habits can be distressing because your bowel pattern may be unusual and unpredictable. Bowel movements may differ in size or consistency, may occur either as diarrhoea or constipation. Stools may be hard and small, pencil-thin or loose and watery.

You may feel an urgent need to have a bowel movement or that you haven't completely passed a stool.This feeling can cause you to strain ends up being a precursor to the development of haemorrhoids.

Unsettling Digestive Glitches: Certain illnesses may cause temporary IBS symptoms such as an acute episode of infectious diarrhoea. An infection of the digestive system can result from a bacteria, a virus or parasites that triggers diarrhoea.

An acute infectious diarrhoea may not require any specific treatment besides staying well hydrated. Generally, such IBS symptoms resolve within 24-48 hours.

Stress Provokes: Managing stress is essential if your life stresses kick starts chronic IBS symptoms. If you're experiencing personal stress and suffering from stress-induced IBS then adopting a stress management plan is critical.

IBS symptoms are often experienced worse or more frequent during periods of increased stress.

Controlling IBS: Minimize the frustrations of irritable bowel syndrome.It's wise to learn about your triggers and how to manage your symptoms. Diet makes a big difference if you're living with IBS as certain foods can make your symptoms worse.

When it comes to food habits some people with IBS may want to limit their consumption of dietary fibre to prevent triggering uncomfortable symptoms. Fibre can help reduce constipation.

Also, eating fruits, vegetables, beans and whole foods that contain natural fibre can help. However, if you take a fibre supplement be sure to drink plenty of water every day.