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Eating healthily and being physically active are both healthy beneficial choices. Calories play a significant role in weight gain and weight control.

Essentially your body needs a certain amount of calories to carry out vital functions. However, not exceeding your caloric requirements keeps your weight in check. Maintaining a healthy weight also means you should use up more calories in the form of energy than you consume.

Losing Weight: If you're trying to lose weight but can't even though you've been following a healthy eating and exercise plan then caloric reductions could be the next step.

When a limited calorie diet is properly prescribed you'll not only incur weight loss but you'll also meet your body's energy requirement needs. Reduced calories are a sound approach to weight loss.

Calorie Limitations:  An overly calorie-restricted diet can generate adverse symptoms.These may include weakness, fatigue, dizziness, constipation, cold intolerance or even swelling of the hands and feet. That's why it is vital to have your reduced-calorie diets planned in conjunction with a health professional. 

A calorie-reduced diet must be safe and followed as prescribed. In many cases, such a diet will be enough to achieve a not only a healthy weight but also offer many beneficial effects

Healthful Benefits: A nutritionally sound lower-calorie diet can positively affect various conditions like asthma, seasonal allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Because you eat less you'll experience less bloating and gain your desired weight.

As well, you'll gain increased energy levels which can be a boon to your wellbeing.

Keep in mind that having a healthy weight plays a major role in preventing chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.  

Calorie Wise Choices: The number of calories eaten each day determines your total daily caloric intake. Without a doubt, your consumption affects how healthy you are. Choosing smart eating with a well-designed calorie reduction plan along with strictly following portion control is the way to a healthier 'You'.

Calorie reduced diets offer a variety of foods choices with lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Such foods are valuable sources of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre and you'll not be food deprived. No need to be concerned about nutrient deficiencies or excess hunger

Manage Portions: Portion control is important, when you eat moderate-sized portions you control the number of calories eaten. Try to use less sugar since sugars contribute lots of calories of negligible nutritional value.

It's also best to reduce your salt intake and limit your alcohol and caffeine consumption.

Whether you're trying to maintain a healthy weight, lose a few pounds or stay physically fit it's worthwhile to examine your eating habits. Think about what you eat and decide on the dietary changes you'd like to make.