Tablet with the word Kidney diseaseHealthy Kidneys Are Critical To Your Well-being. L Blue

Healthy kidneys are essential for your overall health. 

Healthy kidneys filter, expel waste, produce hormones to help your body function properly, and play a role in red blood cells production. Healthy kidneys also regulate the levels of body fluids and blood pressure.

Kidney disease affects the body's ability to clean your blood, loss of kidney function causes fluid retention, waste products in your body, and electrolyte problems.Kidney disease affects every part of your body.

Learning about kidney health is valuable information to help you slow down or prevent future damage. Family medical history also influences kidney status.

Acute Kidney Failure:

Acute kidney failure is also called kidney injury or acute renal failure.

Acute kidney disease develops rapidly over a few hours, or a few days kidneys suddenly stop working. Kidneys will lose their ability to eliminate excess salts, fluids, and waste materials from the blood.

Various conditions and disorders cause acute kidney failure or renal failure and include traumatic kidney injury, dehydration, and recurrent kidney infections. Medications and urinary tract obstructions can cause kidney damage . 

People who are critically ill, needing intensive care, severe infection, trauma, or surgery are at elevated risk of developing acute kidney failure. Other triggering conditions are abnormal kidney structure or an autoimmune attack, which increases with old age. 

Chronic Kidney Disease:

The most usual form of kidney disease is chronic develops over time, affecting every part of your body and several disease conditions are causative reasons. 

Related Conditions for Chronic Kidney Disease: 

  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes will damage the functional units of your kidneys and cause kidney failure.
  • High blood pressure harms the filtering system and the proper functioning of your kidneys.
  • Polycystic kidneys are inherited kidney diseases that are harmful conditions.
  • Recurrent kidney infections or a Decreased immune response makes you more vulnerable to infection.
  • A long-standing obstruction of the urinary tract, caused by kidney stones, cancers, or enlarged prostate. 

Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease:

  • Reduced energy, weakness, and fatigue.
  • Disruption in concentrating and sleeping. 
  • Dry and itchy skin.
  • The impulse to urinate frequently.
  • Fluid retention, swollen ankles, and feet. 
  • Electrolyte imbalances. 
  • Muscles cramps.
  • Anemia.

In the initial stages of chronic kidney disease, you might have few signs or symptoms. However, symptoms may not develop until irreparable damage has occurred and your kidneys have failed.

Treatment of Kidney Disease:

Some types of kidney disease are treatable and help re-establish regular kidney function and depend on the cause of your acute kidney failure. Treatments increase the chances of recovery. 

  • Control your chronic pain medication usage. Diligently follow the instructions on the medication package. Consuming too many pain relievers for a long time could lead to kidney damage. 
  • Manage your use of supplements and herbal extracts too much can harm your kidneys.
  • Stay in your target blood sugar range if you have diabetes and keep high blood pressure under control.
  • Water is healthy for your kidneys. Adequate water intake clears sodium and toxins from your kidneys, and lowers your risk of kidney disease.
  • Cigarette smoking damages your kidneys or makes existing kidney damage worse smoking narrows blood vessels, making blood flow slower throughout your body and kidneys. 
  • Quitting smoking supports your kidneys' health. 

If your kidneys fail, dialysis may be necessary to help filter out and eliminate nitrogen waste products from your body.

A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure to place a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor. Kidney transplants treat chronic kidney disease and kidney failure, helps you feel better, and increase longevity.

Manage your medical conditions with your doctor's help. Getting regular kidney function tests is critical to check for changes when you have diseases or conditions that increase your risk of chronic kidney disease.

If you have a chronic health condition that increases your risk for chronic kidney disease or kidney damage, watch out for signs of loss of kidney function. Get regular physical checkups and make sure to get your kidneys checked. 

Take action to prevent being the victim of common diseases that harm kidneys. 

The best method for avoiding acute kidney failure is to prevent and treat related illnesses. Take care of and maintain healthy kidneys.