Blood sugar mesauring meterHigh Blood Sugar Bodily Impacts L Mensah

High blood sugar influences adverse bodily changes. Uncontrolled high blood sugar affects all systems of your body. Learn to recognize early warning signs of high blood sugar to prevent diabetes.  

An excess of glucose in the bloodstream is a sign of diabetes. This condition signifies your body is not utilizing insulin properly. There is either too much or too little insulin produced to control blood sugar levels. 

Occasionally, high blood sugar exists even without being known. Risks for diabetes include overweight, high blood pressure, family history. If you are at risk for diabetes, getting a blood sugar test is essential.

Blood Sugar Systemic Influences: 

  • Weight loss occurs caused by the breakdown of muscle and fat used for energy.
  • Persistent tiredness arises from an imbalance in blood glucose.
  • Excessive fluid intake due to thirst and frequent urination are common complaints. 
  • Both excess fluid intake and frequent urination cause sleep interruptions. This creating multiple nighttime trips to the bathroom. 
  •  Eyes are subject to diabetic retinopathy and vision loss. 
  • Spikes in blood sugar can lead to swelling of the optic nerve causing blurred vision. Swollen eye vessels obstruct central and peripheral vision lead to vision loss. 
  • The loss of sensitivity in extremities the peripheral neuropathy of the extremities causes numbness and pain.           
  • Feet become infected from injuries of ingrown toenails or blisters. These escalate into serious foot problems.
  • The digestive system is vulnerable to gastrointestinal problems of either constipation or frequent bouts of diarrhea.
  • Kidneys must clear out elevated blood sugar by working harder. Kidneys either stop optimal functioning or shut down due to damage.
  • Bladder conditions develop from high blood sugar with a greater risk of urinary tract infections. The urinary problems arise from the damaged nerves that control bladder function. 
  • Brain atrophy associated with high blood sugar levels creates memory problems, impairs thinking processes.
  • Skin becomes dry, cracked, and itchy from fluid loss and elevated blood sugar. 
  • Erectile dysfunction, loss of libido are due to nerve damage and narrowing of the blood vessel from excess blood sugar.
  • Vaginal dryness or reduced sensation in the genital area causes the occurrence of painful sex.
  • Heart disease and stroke risks rise with high blood sugar. 
  • Dry mouth, cracked lips, bleeding or painful gums,
  •  Erosion of tissue and dental bone thrive in the presence of high blood sugar. 

Living Daily with High Blood Sugar:

Avoid the negative impacts of high blood sugar on your body.

  1. Make sure you get regular eye exams. Controlling your blood sugar can prevent diabetic retinopathy. 
  2. Check feet daily for injuries and foot damage.
  3. Control your weight by effectively managing your blood sugar levels. 
  4. Eat healthfully. Foods with high fiber content helps in balancing blood sugar levels.
  5. Dialysis to treat damaged kidneys is an option for improving damaged kidney functions.
  6. Lifestyle changes, living a less sedentary lifestyle, and regular exercise help reduce blood sugar. Smart heart choices, control of blood sugar promote heart health.