Woman holding her side in pain.Keep A Watchful Eye On Your Liver L Mensah

A healthy liver is essential to your overall health and well-being. Your liver is one of the critical organs in your body. 

Genetics factors, hepatitis infection, and fat accumulation in the liver cause liver damage.

Liver diseases or damage cause disturbances of critical liver functions. Interfere with protein production, blood clotting, and metabolic processes. 

Loss of liver functions can result from 

  • A reaction to a medication.
  • Alcohol misuse, toxins, or parasites. 
  • Viruses that spread through blood or semen 
  • Contaminated food or water.

Acute liver failure with loss of liver function occurs speedily. Acute liver failure is less common than chronic liver failure. Chronic liver failure occurs progressively over many years as the liver fails to perform optimally.

Facts about Liver Damage:

  • Genetics factors, an abnormal gene can cause a build-up of various substances in your liver. 
  • Obesity or overweight cultivates a fatty liver. 
  • Chronic alcohol abuse allows fat accumulation to occur in liver cells. 
  • Infection is a precursor for liver damage. The most common types of liver infections stem from hepatitis viruses. Accidental needle sticks or improper cleanup of blood or body fluids can spread Hepatitis A, B, and C.
  • Epstein Barr virus is also a trigger for liver damage.
  • Chemicals or minerals can cause liver damage. 
  • Abnormal cancer cells can infiltrate your liver with resulting damage.
  • Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure. 

Liver failure crops up when there is damage to large areas of your liver, or no further repair is possible, and liver functioning diminishes. 

Limit your risk of liver damage and prevent liver failure. Avoidance is the best way to fight liver disease. Both nutrition and lifestyle habits contribute to maintaining liver health.

Good nutrition quality and healthy lifestyle practices are requisite for a healthy functioning liver. 

Food and Liver Health:

Nutrition matters. Avoid saturated fats and refined carbohydrates. 

Eat a balanced diet. Fiber, whole-grain bread, cereals, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds are good choices for liver health.

Avoid raw or undercooked shellfish and limit your consumption of red meats. Take advantage of low-fat milk, cheese, fish, and vegetable oils. Always keep your food safe. Drink sufficient water with appropriate hydration counts toward supporting a healthy liver.

Hygienic food preparation conditions influence to minimize risks of contamination. Wash hands before preparing food or eating and immediately after handling bathroom wastes.

Lifestyle To Maintain Liver Health:

  • Get vaccinated for hepatitis A, B, and C.
  • Keep your weight in check. Obesity means a fatty liver causing liver disease.
  • Take care with aerosol sprays to minimize your exposure to toxins. Avoid cleaning products, insecticides, and chemicals that can injure liver cells. 
  • Proper handwashing is essential to limit contaminations. Use soap and warm water for handwashing. 
  • Refrain from sharing personal hygiene items that carry others' body fluids. Even razors and toothbrushes are off-limits.
  • Avoid risky behaviors. Practice safe sex if having unprotected sex or sex with several partners. 
  • Keep away from contaminated needles of tattoos engraving, body piercings, or unsafe injection practices. 
  • Seek testing following any skin penetration involving sharp instruments or needles. 
  • Alcohol can cause scarring, damage, or destroy liver cells. Do not mix alcohol with drugs not prescribed.
  • Use alcohol in moderation or not at all.
  • Say no to illicit drugs, pain relievers, tranquilizers, or stimulants. 
  • Use medications as prescribed and comply with all directions. 
  • Let your doctor know your usage of over-the-counter medicines, supplements, natural or herbal remedies. 
  • If you are a smoker, quit smoking.
  • A regular exercise regimen helps to reduce liver fat.
  • Staying fit with exercise is healthful. 

Follow up with your doctor should you have any concerns about your liver's health. Prompt treatment helps, so get evaluated if you are more likely to have liver damage.