Man touching his neck area to feel his thyroidKnow More: Your Thyroid Health Impacts Fitness Levels L Blue

Know more about your thyroid health.

If your thyroid is working perfectly, youll produce the right amounts of hormones needed for proper functioning of your thyroid.

Your thyroid gland is located at the base of your neck and is responsible for the production of the hormones which are essential for growth and metabolism. The two main hormones produced by your thyroid are T3 and T4. The most common thyroid function problems involve abnormal production of thyroid hormones.

Many health issues are associated with a poorly functioning thyroid gland including cardiac disease, diabetes, arthritis, and lupus. Thyroid activity even influences how quickly your heart beats and how fast you burn calories.

Thyroid Functioning Overactive:

You may have an overactive thyroid due to a disorder that causes the thyroid to make more thyroid hormones than your body needs. The results are a condition called hyperthyroidism.

Symptoms of this condition include:

  • Weight loss.
  • Vision problems,
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat.
  • Trembling in hands and fingers.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Additionally, hyperthyroidism may influence your bone health.

Thyroid Functioning Under Performing:

 If your thyroid is underperforming it means your thyroid does not make enough hormones. You could develop a condition called hypothyroidism.

You may experience symptoms of:

  • A slowed down metabolism and weight gain,
  • Joint or muscle pain or muscle weakness.
  • Feelings of fatigue and sluggishness.
  • Voice. hoarse ness
  • A drop in hormone production leads to lower energy levels.

Health Impact:

The health of your thyroid impacts all aspects of your well-being. It controls the rate of many important functions and activities in your body. Always consult with your doctor if you have symptoms or concerns about thyroid disease.

There are therapeutic approaches such as medications that can usually improve both your emotional and physical symptoms
