Image of doctor talking to male patient about prostate cancerPSA Testing And Your Prostate Health L Blue

Make sure you get your medical check-ups starting with your PSA

  • The PSA test measures your blood level of Prostate-specific antigen. (PSA) is a protein substance produced by the prostate gland.
  • The test is commonly used to screen men for prostate cancer. In general, the higher your PSA level, the more likely it is that prostate cancer is present.
  • Most cases of early prostate cancer are found by the PSA blood test since it can help detect small tumours that do not produce symptoms.
  • Some tumours grow slowly and even though the PSA test is not a perfect diagnostic tool it is still very helpful.

For example, an elevated PSA level can occur if you have non-cancerous prostate enlargement that happens as a part of normal ageing. As well noncancerous conditions such as prostatitis, or a urinary tract infection or an enlarged prostate can also show elevated results.

Likewise, low levels of PSA in your bloodstream does not rule out the possibility of prostate cancer sometimes cancer cells do not produce much PSA, and the test will be negative even when the disease is present.

The test:

  • The test involves drawing blood and the results are usually known within several days and if prostate cancer is suspected, your doctor will recommend a prostate biopsy.
  • The most common treatments include radiation, hormone therapy, and surgery.
  • The PSA test is also used to monitor those who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer to see if their cancer has returned after initial treatment.

Take good care of you, do your regular annual physical check-ups, follow the advice of your healthcare professional and stay in good health