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Take control of your life, take charge of your body, your personal health and take back your life. Make up your mind to get in shape, to stay healthy and put yourself back in control.

Even a small change can make a big difference when it comes to improving your health. There are a lot of great self-care behaviours but you'll have to apply them to reap the rewards.

Begin by setting some healthy living goals, simply identify any negative or unhealthy habits and then engage in the required alterations.

Dietary changes: Start with your eating habits. Food is essential for growth and maintenance of your body, however, what and how much you eat makes a big difference to your well-being. Acknowledge and change your food habits because you can't change what you're not aware of.

Choose to be food conscious its time to make the right choices and kick unhealthy food-habits to the curb. Love your heart and eat a heart-smart diet.

Change sedentary behaviour: Do assess your activity level and determine how much physical activity you get in a typical day or week. Make a commitment to be less sedentary, move more with regular physical activity every day. 

Put in place an exercise plan and do it because a program of consistent physical activity and exercise is a boon to overall health and wellness. Whether you decide to engage in vigorous or moderate-intensity or aerobic activity do not forget that muscle-strengthening activities are also a plus in any fitness regimen 

Handle stress ably: Emotional wellness is a key to healthy living and this includes stress management. Your mind and body play a role in your response to stress. The body reacts to stress by increasing your muscle tension, heart rate and blood pressure. Any of these conditions can be devastating to your good health.

The inability to handle stress well generates an unhealthy response and negative health consequences. Check out your perspective on how you handle stressful situations and find ways to handle, minimize or eliminate the stresses in your everyday life.

Healthful choices: Upgrade other aspects of your lifestyle and take pleasure in living healthfully. Good sound sleep is essential to a healthful life so do not ignore chronic sleep problems or let sleep troubles linger on.

Go ahead and pat yourself on the back enjoy your moments, sit quietly and reflect daily, applaud yourself on your triumphs in meeting the day's challenges.

Keep your brain alert always by participating in mentally stimulating activities.Challenging your brain is good for keeping the brain in tip-top shape and strengthening your mental and emotional wellness.

Health Checks: Remember to make regular appointments with your doctor and dentist for your routine screenings and care. Consult with your doctor prior to making changes.

Do not let your mind browbeat your body into believing it must bear onerous worries, burdensome stress, unbridled cravings or unhealthy daily living habits.