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A variety of factors play a role in irritable bowel syndrome known as IBS it's a disorder that tends to affect mostly women.

Abnormalities in the gastrointestinal nervous system cause the experience of greater than normal discomfort from abdominal gas, bloating, cramps, diarrhoea, and constipation

When you have IBS the changing bowel habits can be distressing because your bowel pattern may be unusual and unpredictable. Bowel movements may differ in size or consistency. They may occur either as diarrhoea or constipation, stools may be hard and small, pencil-thin or loose and watery.

You may feel an urgent need to have a bowel movement or fee that you haven't completely passed a stool the result is straining with the potential for the development of haemorrhoids.

Certain illnesses may cause temporary IBS such as an acute episode of infectious diarrhoea or personal stress, both conditions trigger IBS signs and symptoms. Diarrhoea resulting from an infection of the digestive system by a bacteria, virus or parasite triggers IBS. But the symptoms generally resolve within 24-48 hours.

Such an acute infectious diarrhoea will not require any specific treatment except staying well hydrated. Whilst for stress-induced IBS symptoms, stress management is critical.

Managing stress is essential particularly because some people who have chronic IBS symptoms often experience worse or more frequent symptoms during periods of increased stress.

Diet makes a big difference if you're living with IBS as certain foods can make your signs and symptoms worse, it's wise to learn about your triggers and how to manage your symptoms.

There are several treatment approaches when it comes to food intake that helps to prevent a triggering of uncomfortable symptoms self-care with the right food choices is a major plus.

Fibre can help reduce constipation, whole foods that contain fibre are the optimum choice these include whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans.Keep using fibre on a regular basis for best results.

However, for some people who have irritable bowel syndrome, they may want to limit their consumption of dietary fibre and instead use a fibre supplement.

If you take a fibre supplement be sure to drink plenty of water every day and shun all foods that you know are triggers.