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Heart disease affects both men and women.

The term 'heart disease' covers a number of health conditions, including valve and rhythm problems, atherosclerosis, or the tendency to form plaque in the arteries.

Main risk factors for heart disease are high cholesterol, high blood pressure as well as high levels of glucose and sedentary living. Also, chronic systemic inflammatory processes can cause the formation of plaque in your arterial walls.

A heart attack can occur when the plaque becomes so inflamed that it breaks off, a clot develops and can block an artery, cutting off blood flow to the heart.This blockage can lead to a fatal rhythm problem and death.

The biggest culprit for heart disease is the presence of too much bad cholesterol (LDL). The amount of cholesterol in your blood is a key risk factor for atherosclerosis. Ultimately, the best way to avert heart disease is to be vigilant about your health habits.

Start by eating a heart-healthy diet, high in Omega-3 fish oils, low in trans-fats, with plenty of vegetables and high in fibre. Keep the level of your salt consumption in check as this can contribute to high blood pressure.

And, do remember high blood pressure is linked to heart failure, atherosclerosis, heart attack and even kidney disease.

The risk of heart disease increases if diabetes is present, high blood sugar levels can damage your body in a variety of ways. Diabetes is a serious condition that emerges when your body cannot efficiently use up your blood glucose.

It's essential to diligently manage your diabetes care. Additionally, you need to understand that obesity can lay a foundation for heart disease; it's important to make every effort to achieve and maintain an ideal body weight.

Moderate physical exercise is a smart heart healthy aid, as a result, it's helpful to try and maintain a regimen of regular exercise activity.

Take control over your lifestyle to minimize the predisposing causes of heart disease.The goal of being informed is to enable you to have mastery over factors that play a major role in heart health and heart disease.