Young woman holding painful shoulder.Arthritis Hurts Trade In The Pain L Blue

Arthritis affects all age groups and impacts wellbeing in many negative ways, some forms of arthritis are more severe and progressive than others and can result in severe mobility problems.

The most common types of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is linked to an inflammatory process. It's an autoimmune disease that causes the lining of joints to become irritated and inflamed resulting in joint damage and pain.

Osteoarthritis is the other major type of arthritis it arises from wear-and-tear or damage to the joint cartilage, this kind of joint deterioration allows the bone to grind directly on bone.

The condition may occur from erosion over many years or it can be hastened by a joint injury or infection.

Also linked to an inflammatory process are a variety of other arthritic conditions or diseases including gout, lupus, fibromyalgia and even juvenile arthritis. It is important to get an accurate diagnosis so that an appropriate treatment and management plan can be put in place.

Symptoms of arthritis may occur in your hands, neck, knees, hip and other joints. Typical complaints are joint pain and stiffness mostly in the morning along with swelling of the joints or redness of the area.

  • When arthritis is severe, particularly if it affects your hands or arms it can be difficult for you to take care of daily tasks due to pain or restricted mobility.
  • Arthritis appears to provoke a lot of joint pain if you're obese, likely due to weight bearing issues.
  • Pain in the weight-bearing joints can keep you from walking comfortably or sitting up straight.
  • Losing weight will reduce the stress on weight-bearing joints and help increase mobility.
  • Weight-loss can help limit further joint injury and bring about more ease and comfort making you likely to do the things you've been avoiding.

There is a strong connection between emotional health and arthritis pain and clearly chronic pain affects not just physical but also emotional health. Depression and stress are very common with arthritis likewise persistent pain seem to make symptoms even worse.

With the right diagnosis, self-care knowledge and some lifestyle changes you can do much to help keep the disease and its symptoms under control and properly manage the condition.

Depending on how severe the condition is and which joints are affected a treatment plan may involve medications for pain relief. Also, regular exercise and physical therapy help your joints stay flexible and maintain an optimal range of motion.