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It's most important to take care of your eyes to ensure clear eyesight throughout your life. Furthermore, taking care of your eyes are a benefit to your overall health because your eyes are a good indicator to spot chronic systemic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes

To fully evaluate your vision and the health of your eyes, examinations should be performed by an eye doctor that is either an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Complete eye exams usually include precise testing of your vision.

Several tests may be carried out including visual acuity tests that measure the sharpness of your vision. Pupil dilation may be done if you have risk factors for certain eye diseases, because it provides for a thorough evaluation of the health  inside of your eyes.

Other tests like the use of a bio-microscope that has special high-powered lens; to examine the structures of the front and the inside of your eyes. Areas like the macula, retina, optic nerve or the iris, cornea and conjunctiva, can be methodical observed

A refraction examination is the test that's used to determine your exact eyeglasses or contact lenses prescription to correct refractive errors. Additionally, slit-lamp examinations are done to uncover a wide range of eye conditions and diseases, like cataracts, corneal ulcers, diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration

In some cases, your eye doctor may want to check for the possible presence of blind spots in your peripheral or side vision by doing a visual field test. Blind spots can stem from eye diseases such as glaucoma or a brain injury like a stroke.

An eye exam for glaucoma is done with a tonometer; it's used to measure your intraocular pressure to rule out early signs of glaucoma. So, get your eyes examined for signs of vision problems or eye diseases. It's the best way to find out the early stages of  serious but treatable eye disease.

As a follow up to your eye exam your doctor a may advise some interventions. These may include surgical or other therapeutic approaches; like eye drops for a diagnosed problem such as glaucoma. Or perhaps vision supplements to maintain good eye health to help alleviate specific problems like dry eyes or cataract surgery.

Eye examinations are an essential part of your health maintenance. It's important to not ignore the fact that routine eye exams can detect vision problems, before you are aware that a problem exists.