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Life is full of challenges and while you cannot avoid many of these problems, you can remain open, flexible and willing to adapt to change.

Whenever you encounter a new challenge that seems insurmountable, take a step back. Simply assess what is before you then break it down into manageable steps. 

It's critical to keep believing in you and to Stay standing in spite of the circumstances ahead of you. You have been gifted with creativity hope and to be inspired. So honour who you are and celebrate self. 

Speak positives into your life and remember words have power. The words you use have a lasting impact and the power to make or to break your spirit.

You may not like your current circumstances or you may feel that you've been dealt an unfair hand. Even so, tough it out, do the best you can, grin and bear it, but get through it.

You cannot let failure destroy you. Decide to use all resources available to you, take risks and make your comeback. Find happiness in what you have but still keep going after your dreams. You should focus on the thing that matters most then do it.

Only you can change the situations in your life. If you do not wish to be left wanting, simply break free and reinvent yourself. Every day is a time for rebirth and a chance to rediscover your authentic self. 

Manage your feelings, learn from every experience and do not allow your feelings to manage you. Halt negativityand negative thoughts because they adversely inhibit efforts to overcome life's curve balls.

Try to think in positive terms and you'll usually experience positive results. However, if you constantly focus on your problems, struggles and worries, you will perpetuate the same circumstances again and again. Be determined that failure is not an option.

Let go of lack of enthusiasm, toxic attachments and fears. Give yourself a chance to clear away the clutter that hems you in. Live a life that is true to you and who you really are. Have the courage to follow your heart.

Trust your intuition and let your values be reflected in how you live your life each day.