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When you do not forgive people who have done you wrong you really bind yourself in chains of negative energy and unhealthy bonds.

It's up to you to forgive, to heal and move on. You are in control of your life and your future, do not spoil your journey through life with holding onto unforgiveness. Free yourself from guilt, anger, hurt, bitterness and deep-seated personal pain.

Whenever you choose to forgive it does not mean that you condone, deny or forget the matter. On the contrary, you are basically taking control and releasing yourself of burdensome aches.

Forgiveness is a choice to unfetter emotional and physical burdens of resentment. It is definitely not a sign of weakness but rather one of strength and personal power.

  • When you look back, you will realize that the person or the situation was not worth prolonged anguish and grief. You need to acknowledge that it's you and not the perpetrator of your suffering that's in chains.
  • Bear in mind, there is something to be learnt from every experience. Remove yourself from a toxic relationship or a negative situation and say good riddance to betrayals or loss
  • It's to your advantage to let go and to shed unhealthy or non-beneficial baggage.
  • While you may well be justified to hold steadfast in wanting revenge or justice, your restorative healing is most important. With this in mind do not continue to be a victim or an injured party. Instead, take hold of your power and give yourself the gift of forgiveness.

Remember you are doing this for you, not for the other person. You're choosing to forgive because you want to liberate your heart and unshackle the bonds holding you back from your best life.

Once you resolve to forgive, you'll need to let go of any anger and resentments. Decide that the matter is over and done with, that you'll not be weighed down with such a burden any longer. When you take action to forgive you pave the way for a stronger 'You'.