Distressed Man holding headStart Over: Evict Defeats L Blue

In a recent conversation with a friend who was down in the dumps and full of despair, he seemed to be sapped of all strength and vim.

Life Happens: Uncertainty at work and the day to day struggles seemed to overwhelm him.

It was clear that he needed a listening ear, to hear words other than his own because his assessment of himself was overly harsh.

Know You Can: He needed to be reassured that optimism still matters even though he was living in uncertainty fear and doubt and feeling there is no future for 'me'.

He learnt that in spite of everything he could work to overcome adversity even though he may not have it all together. And that It's a personal choice and responsibility to replace negativity or doubt by putting to sleep any such thinking patterns.

Perspective Matters: The outcome of our conversation was to look through the current storms with a new and different lens, to gain new perspectives and a reality check.

The best approach is to make every effort to stay optimistic and confident during the dark periods of life. Thinking negatively assaults your self-confidence it only impedes your progress so it's essential to control what you think.

Stand Tall: Stand tall in spite of the circumstances ahead of you, don't buckle under or give up.

Here are 7 truths that apply when hard times happen to come along.

  1. Believe in yourself you've been resilient thus far so hold on and remember that your words and thoughts have power.
  2. Your words have the power to either help you overcome or to be defeated during difficult times. Be mindful of them because your words affect you and others
  3. Be aware of your attitude and thoughts its essential to challenge and change your internal and spoken dialogue.
  4. It's best to speak positives into your life, keeping in mind that the words you use and the vibes they give have a lasting impact.
  5. Even if the situation you are dealing with is exceedingly difficult its important to remain hopeful and positive about a brighter future
  6. Remember the good times
  7. Even during hard times enjoy the good happening around you

Conquer Challenges: Let go of fears; let go of any lack of enthusiasm, manage the situation and learn from the experience.

Keep in mind that every day is a time or chance for rebirth, to triumph and rise above overwhelming challenges.

You matter youre worth it and with tenacity, you'll prevail over tough obstacles.You have the capacity to communicate and to use the abilities you've been gifted with.

Keep your eyes focused on the prize whatever that may be, you need to look ahead and chose not to be discouraged. Embrace change and believe that change can be good.