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Dietary fibre is an important component of healthy balanced eating.

The main role of fibre is to keep the digestive system healthy, varied, high fibre diets help your digestive system to process food and absorb nutrients.

Fiber is also linked to benefiting diabetes and blood cholesterol levels thus lowering your risk of heart disease. Other health benefits attributed to fibre are an aid in weight control, the ability to minimize intestinal disorders, the reduction of blood pressure and inflammation.
1. Fiber Types: There are two types of fibre, insoluble and soluble, both types function very different yet each is essential to a healthy diet and beneficial for the body.

Good sources of soluble fibre are found in all fruit and vegetables such as oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits and carrots This type of fibre can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.

2.The insoluble: Insoluble fibre comes from whole grains, wheat bran, nuts and many vegetables. Diets that include insoluble fibre have been associated with a reduced risk of developing diabetes by helping to maintain lower blood sugar levels.

This type of fibre when eaten is filling even though the caloric values in such foods are reduced. Consequently, when more of these foods are eaten it aids in weight loss and helps to control your appetite.

3. Fibre Alert: Even though high-fibre foods are good for your health, steer clear of introducing fibre in large amounts in your diet all at once. Plan on making orderly additions as this allows the natural bacteria in your digestive system to adjust to the change.

Fibre also helps you to avoid the occurrence of abdominal bloating, cramping or intestinal gas.

4. Intestinal Action: Dietary fibre is able to prevent constipation, by promoting the movement of material through your digestive system. It increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it.

Drinking lots of fluid are also important to avoid constipation, fibre works best when it absorbs water so ensure adequate intake of water.

5. Smart Choices: A well-balanced, varied diet which includes fibre is recommended for a healthy lifestyle. Whole foods rather than fibre supplements are usually better.  Always check with your doctor if you feel you need to take fibre supplements.