Woman standing on a scale and looking surprisedEat Smart: Practice Best Weight-Loss Habits L Blue

If you want to lose the extra pounds that have invaded your body you surely can. But first, you must decide.

Determined Decision: A firm decision to lose weight is critical and a key element in the weight loss process. No ifs and buts or uncertainties.

The reasons for you wanting to lose weight is critical if you expect to succeed and keep the weight off your back perpetually

You must decide to lose the weight not because you want to fit into a certain outfit. But rather because you want to live healthier, be healthier, be fit, stop being unhappy with your weight and look trimmer. And, most of all because the excess weight is hazardous to your overall health and well- being.

You can do it just be passionate about your weight loss journey.Resolve that losing weight does not have to be burdensome, that you'll face the weight-loss challenge with determination and a commitment to achieve your goal.

Make sure that you do not view losing weight as a monster to battle or a fight that you cannot win.

Simply put, you are the master of your pursuit to lose weight, the journey is yours alone and does not have to be painful or fraught with heartache and disappointment. Make the plan and stick to it, eat cleverly by taking on the best weight loss practices noted below

Uncontrolled Portions Hurt: A year ago, I was engaged in a heart-smart program. It is not for weight loss but portion control of the essential food groups was a paramount concern. It was one of the best things to follow as weight loss became a by-product of this activity. By adhering to the program goals, I lost 15 lbs in 3 months and has kept that weight off.

The upshot is that portion control is essential and must be a major focus of a weight loss plan. When you have uncontrolled portions, this delivers more calories than you may need. Portion control is necessary because it allows for you to have a stringent grip on how many calories you consume.

You'll likely eat thoughtfully rather than overeating. Don'' let big portions get the best of you Eating too much of any food, even healthy foods, results in weight gain. Your body stores the excess calories as fat.

Sack-The -Snacks: Control those not-good-for-you snacks and munchies, be strict about eating them in moderation. Here again is where portion control is indispensable as paying attention to not needed empty calories make a healthy difference

Don't starve yourself, eat your three meals every day. Skipping meals is a no-no because when you're hungry that's when you'll gobble on food that's available and most likely it will be all the wrong food groups. Commit to eating more veggies and drastically reduce your consumption of wheat products.

Break-The-Fast: Eat a healthy breakfast. Eating breakfast has long-term health benefits and can reduce obesity. When you eat breakfast, it tells your body that there are plenty of calories for the day ahead. But if you skip breakfast your body gets a communication that you need to conserve rather than burn any incoming calories

Oust Added Sugar: Sugar is addictive it sets off cravings that encourage you to eat more. Just commit to memory that when you cut most sugar out of your diet you'll stop the cravings.

Cast out the added sugar and give up the sweets. There is enough natural sugar in the food you eat because sugar comes in many forms. Bear in mind, that added sugar contains no essential nutrients and does not fill you up.

Instead, it creates an addictive sugar response in the brain, sugar stresses your liver, it contributes to weight gain thats attributable to leptin resistance.

Sugar can have harmful effects on your metabolism and contribute to all sorts of diseases, However, a very occasional bite of what you may desire is all you need for a little treat. You dont want to feel totally deprived of a sweetie so never completely ignore your sweet tooth.

Invest in Exercise: Bear in mind that exercise is central to any weight loss plan. Losing weight requires consistent exercise. When you engage in a physical activity you burn calories.

Your exercise regimen does not have to be intense aerobic or knee crunching A simple brisk walking routine every day for 30 minutes will do. Or to broaden your exercise habits you can bike or hike, get out into the outdoors. Exercising is critical to help prevent excess weight and to maintain a healthy weight. Exercise decreases your risk of developing certain diseases.

Finally, if you're fed up with being overweight and out of shape and always out of breath Take off the excess weight, you can do it, make the firm decision, settle on not struggling with weight issues any longer.