Woman measuring her girtManage Calories: Maintain Your Best Weight : L Mensah

Your weight loss journey can be fraught with ups and downs. 

Many factors influence weight gain. Losing weight can be a challenge but its achievable. 

A certain number of calories are needed daily for optimal vigor. Caloric requirements depend on age, weight, height, activity level, and gender. 

Calories describe the energy your body gets from foods. Calories fuel your physical activity. Some calories are stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver and as fat.

If you eat too little or overeat too much, your health could be affected. It is easy to consume more calories than are required to fuel your body. Balancing caloric intake controls how much you eat without going hungry.

A calorie deficit is indispensable for weight loss. By monitoring how many calories you eat, you can cut out excess calories and keep your weight within range.

Helpful Tips for Calorie Control:

  • Control portions. Avoid overeating by using smaller plates that help keep portion sizes on track. 
  • Skip second helpings to cut out eating extra calories.
  • Avoid eating bread and rolls before your main meal. A soup before the main meal helps reduce the number of calories. 
  • Increase your vegetable portions cutting back on higher-calorie foods. 
  • Eating high-fiber foods, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes is excellent for weight reduction.
  • Eat a range of foods and make healthy food choices. Fresh fruit has fewer calories and contains more nutrients than tinned fruit.
  • Whole fruit has fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. 
  • Limit fatty foods. Fats contain twice the calories of carbohydrates and protein. 
  • Cook by grilling, steaming, stewing, boiling, poaching, or air-frying these are healthier options than frying in oil.
  • Cut back on high-sugar high-calorie drinks. Drinking too many sugar-sweetened beverages adds calories. Drinking both tea and coffee without added sugar helps reduce caloric intake. Drink plenty of water.
  • Know how many calories you are eating. Read food labels to check the number of calories in serving sizes. 
  • Remove unhealthy food choices in your pantries.
  • Physical activity increases the number of calories your body burns off. Exercise every day of a 15-minute brisk walk will help burn calories. 

Weight management is about making a lifestyle change in eating patterns and eating behaviors. Stay focused, be aware of what triggers your eating, and be more mindful of your food choices.

Take charge of your appetite. Be attentive and eat slowly. Mindful focussed eating helps you feel fuller eating less. Servings matter practice eating until you are full, not until you have cleaned the plate.

Adjusting your calories will support your desire to lose weight. Paying attention to caloric intake makes a difference in weight management helps you discover where you need to adjust. 

Always consult with your health care professional before starting any weight loss program. Create and sustain the energy deficit needed to lose weight.