Woman getting a mamogram examRaise Your Awareness About Breast Health Lyn Mensah

Raise your awareness about breast screening and breast cancer.

Has your life been touched by breast cancer? Do you know someone who has been affected by this condition? Be attentive to your breast changes.

I have both a family member and several friends who have been afflicted with this condition. If breast cancer strikes, breast cancer affects everyone; it has an impact not just on you but on family and friends as well.

Breast Cancer:

This is the most common form of cancer in women, no one knows why some women get breast cancer and others don't. Breast cancer can occur at any age, though it is most common in women older than 50 years. It also affects many young women and it's not uncommon in men as well.

Risk Factors:

Each of these appears to be associated with contributing risk factors. There are some risks factors for breast cancer that you'll be unable to change these may include

  1. Having a genetic predilection and personal age. Genetic links especially when there is a history of family members with breast cancer.
  2. Genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 when present greatly increase the risk of acquiring the disease.
  3. Age is also an unchangeable risk factor as the likelihood of getting breast cancer rises as one gets older.

However, there are some risk factors that you may be able to control. These include

  1. Avoid being overweight,
  2. Use of hormone replacement therapy,
  3. Taking birth control pills,
  4. Alcohol consumption.

Breast cancer occurs in stages that range from early curable breast cancer to metastatic breast cancer. The potential to survive a breast cancer is significant if it's found and treated early. Symptoms of breast cancer may include

  • A lump in the breast,
  • A change in size or shape of the breast
  • Discharge from a nipple.
  • Or it may be discovered from a mammogram or ultrasound.

Breast Self-Exam

Breast self-examination involves checking your breasts to help detect breast problems, like lumps or changes. This can help to find breast cancer early when it is most treatable.

Breast lumps can be non-cancerous or cancerous; It's a good thing to learn how to perform breast-self-exams on yourself and to do it regularly. It takes practice to perform a thorough breast self-examination. You'll need to learn about the procedure.

If you choose to do breast self-examinations, this should not replace your scheduled mammogram or regular clinical breast examinations by your doctor.

A mammogram screening test for breast cancer can help find breast cancer early, so get involved for your well being. Make sure to get your mammogram, talk with your doctor about when to start having mammogram tests and how often you should get them.

Breast Cancer Awareness and breast health education should be a vital part of your healthcare plan. Simply put, it's important to be informed about breast cancer because prevention and education are very important to your well being.

It's also a smart move to cheer on and support activities that raise monies to fund research, education and supportive services for breast cancer cure.

Read up information on breast self-examination and ask your health care provider for tips that can help you perform your breast self-examination correctly

Support For A Cure:

  • Several marathon events support the cause and to bring awareness to breast cancer. You can participate in a run or a walk.
  • Anyone can participate whether you're young or old, a beginning walker or a seasoned runner.
  • Be an advocate, voice your support for policies and legislation that will help reduce the number of individuals and families whose lives are devastated by preventable cancers.
  • Encourage your friends and family to get regular breast screening.
  • You can make a difference do remember to donate.